A turn-key builder provides you with a house that is ready to move into.
At Ashley Homes, we co-ordinate all the
contractors and services you will need, including construction of septic systems, wells, or driveways.
For example, we will, if you wish, help you find land. Once you have your lot, we will do an in-depth site analysis, which covers issues such as house orientation, positioning of driveway, sump construction and drainage optimization, and positioning of any exterior structures such as barns, outdoor pools, or gazeebos. If your lot is wooded, we will clear it enough to allow construction; during the clearing process, we are careful to minimize environmental impact, so that we do not disturb the natural beauty of the lot. At Ashley Homes, you choose everything--from the light fixtures to the appliances to the paint colors to the cabinets and carpeting. Or, you may choose not to choose--and we will instead issue you a credit for any normally included items that you wish to opt out of. At Ashley Homes, we cover every facet of your home, from the driveway to a professional cleaning. When your Ashley Home is completed, it is completed; all you have to do is move in. |