Lay sewer/water/gas pipes

The utility lines usually enter through the home's basement, so we plan for them by laying these lines early in the construction process.

These lines are roughed in--meaning that they are set in place but not yet attached to the utility company's main lines. However, they will be ready to use once the house is near completion.

Although this would seem to be a trivial stage of the construction, care must be taken here. Consider:
  • The lines must enter the home where they will be needed.
  • Sewer and septic lines must run downhill to their destination. Wastewater will not want to run uphill for us.
  • For country homes, the placement of the supply lines must coincide with the placement of the well.
  • Gas lines must be inspected and deemed leak-free when they are set.
  • Mistakes at this stage of the construction are costly and unsightly; having to move a supply or waste line involves drilling through concrete walls or a floor or both. At Ashley Homes, we make sure we get it right the first time!

Of course, this is where all the hard work of our site analysis pays off; because we have carefully planned all these critical details during our analysis, we now know exactly where everything will go. This makes for a very streamlined and efficient process.